Days & Nights
and pure magic in between…
~Pure Tango, Pure Prague, Pure Pleasure~

16:00- 21:00
Moon – the White Night.
Sun – Red Solstice milonga.
Stars – the Heavens.
Pure Pleasure Milonga

Magic In Between
21:00- 1:00…
A walk through beautiful night Prague, open air music throughout the city, great wine and a meal with friends – a rest, a bath, delights of any kind. We will provide a PLEASURE GUIDE with suggestions, and the rest we leave up to you!
For addicts:
Dancing Breakfast 11:00 – 14:00
Milonguita in the Middle 21:00 – 1:00

NIGHTS-After Hours
Arrive as you like– casual, wined and dined, rested and revived and dance intimately til dawn. Cozy high-level blissful dance for the addicted and entranced…
This year Alchemie is dedicated to all dancers and to SIMPLY FABULOUS DANCE.
We invite you to this TANGO RAPTURE – a totally new tango experience in 2013.
~We can’t wait to dance and embrace these sweet summer days with you! ~Team Tango Alchemie
**Very special thanks to for Design: Ishka Michocka, drawing: Virginia Lee