White Milonga
Thursday night 21:00- 3:00
Clam Galas Palac, Husova 158/20, Prague 1
We start our journey with the Moon Milonga in our beloved Clam Gallas Palace. This precious crystalline palace has 11 different salons on 2 floors.
Dress – WHITE
til dawn all – night salons Sat, Sun, Mon 1:00- 7:00
Slovanský Dům, Na Příkopě 22, Prague 1
Alchemie Nights will take place in the spacious Slovanský Dům ~ fabulous floor perfect for dancing til dawn each morning.
Note: The taxi ride from Slovansky dum to Ariston costs 4 euro/car (up to 4 people).
Dress: casual,
come as you are
Gala day milongas 16:00- 21:00
Due to the heavy rains and our Day venues near flooding all along the river we have decided to move Alchemie into the super salons of Slovansky Dum. For all coming to Alchemie 2013 this will be your Prague home- amazing for dance, spacious and inviting, walking distance to everything—sweet sweet sweet and easy 
There will be cozy and entertaining surprises in the space, the gala kick off at the White Night milonga at Clam-Gallas Palace and an outdoor Hit & Run on Solstice during the rendezvous hours. In this way we are led to what this year is really about, and what we all desire most—
Connection and inspiration
Fun and ease
Resonance and realness
Humanness and pure pleasure
Dance! Tango tango tango, and community
We can not wait to co-create this time with you!
~Friday SUN/ Solstice Milonga – Slovanský Dům
Dress- RED
~Saturday STARS/ Celestial Milonga – Slovanský Dům
Dress- GOLD, or something heavenly
~Sunday ANGELS/ Pure Pleasure Milonga – Slovanský Dům
Dress: what you love most and feels the best
Goethe Institute, Masarykovo Nábřeží 224/32, Prague 1
Amazing Art Nouveau building of the Goethe Institute, close to the river.
Clam Galass Palac, Husova 158/20, Prague 1
The same beautiful baroque palace of the White Milonga.
Hotel Ariston, Seifertova 615/65, Prague 3
If you are not in classes, this is the place to be in the morning! Wake up, smell the coffee and enjoy the music!
Note – this event is free for anyone who is registered for a festival pass! Food included for Ariston guests, others can buy buffet on the spot direct.
Fri – Hit&Run
Jam Cafe, Národní 25, Prague 1
Cozy sweet local tango home in the exact center very near the Night venue.
Note – this event is free for anyone who is registered for a festival pass!